Saturday, August 31, 2024

Scrabulary Word of the Day #893 08/31/24 "FANTACULOUS"


My grandson created a pen for the animals in his video game.  He showed me his proud accomplishment and I said: 

"That's fantaculous!"

I may be bias 😉, but it really was impressive. 

~Scrabulary Chris 😊

A Scrabulary word is comprised of two words inadvertently spoken as one in everyday conversation.

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Scrabulary Word of the Day #892 08/28/24 "THILLION"


My grandson was creating an animation video on his computer. He informed me that he needed to be sure to "Save" as he was going along so as not to lose any work should a computer glitch or power outage occur. He said:

"I save it, like, a thillion times!"

Can't wait to see his completed video! 😀

~Scrabulary Chris 😊

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Scrabulary Word of the Day #891 08/17/24 "BRIHIND"


When playing a video game with my grandson, there was a particular "mob" (mobile entity) that was elusive. My gaming character was being attacked and I couldn't determine from where. My grandson said:

"Sometimes it'll show brihind you."

That's the scariest kind of "mob". 😬

~Scrabulary Chris 😊

Friday, August 16, 2024

Scrabulary Word of the Day #890 08/16/24 "VOBALIZING"


"Some people are just not comfortable vobalizing their feelings or opinions."

I tend to internalize. 😌

Takes all kinds to make a world. ğŸ˜„

~Scrabulary Chris 😊

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Scrabulary Word of the Day #889 08/10/24 "WUSTY GINDS"


I was checking my computer for the temperature status for our location.  I shared aloud the results with my grandson and confidently said:

"It says that the temperature is 89 degrees with wusty ginds."

Seems I got my tongue wrapped around my eye teeth and couldn't see what I was saying. 😆

~Scrabulary Chris 😊

Friday, August 9, 2024

Scrabulary Word of the Day #888 08/09/24 "INDIRECTIONS"


My grandson asked his mom to make an ice cream birthday cake according to his specifications.  His mom said:

"I'll make your ice cream birthday cake if you give me the indirections."

He was delighted with the delicious results! 😋

~Scrabulary Chris 😊

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Scrabulary Word of the Day #887 08/08/24 "PUNS"


My daughter was thinking about purchasing a new vehicle. She was looking at a particular vehicle and said: 

"In a Sprinter van, we'd have puns of room."

The dictionary definition of the word "pun" is: "A joke exploiting the different possible meanings of a word or the fact that there are words which sound alike but have different meanings". The Scrabularized version of the word "pun(s)" is an example of the dictionary definition. 

Ironic, isn't it? 😄

~Scrabulary Chris 😊

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Scrabulary Word of the Day #886 08/07/24 "GELLET


Hubby and I were watching a series where an inmate is trying to help his brother escape from prison.  The inmate has everything planned and mapped out. He sneaks out of his cell through a hole he dug behind the sink. He goes through the infrastructure of the prison to check his escape route.  As he crawls, he seemingly takes an unusually long time to which my Hubby said:

"He can't just wander around in the gellet of the prison for such a long period of time." 

We had to remind ourselves that this is a program for entertainment, not realistic situations.

Entertaining nonetheless. 😄

~Scrabulary Chris 😊

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Scrabulary Word of the Day #885 08/01/24 "SHOUNTING"


My daughter and son-in-law were watching the 2024 Olympics. The crowd was shouting encouragement to the competitors in a chant style and my daughter said:

"The shounting reminds me of a funny video I saw."

I wonder to which video she was referring--hmmm. 

~Scrabulary Chris 😊