Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Scrabulary Word of the Day #884 08/02/23 "NEXCELLENT"


My grandson and I were spending time playing a video game.  We discovered an area of treasure that required mining.  He took on the task and when completed said:

"I cleared all the pieces!"  

To which I replied:


Now on to the next discovery!

~Scrabulary Chris 😊

Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Scrabulary Word of the Day #883 08/01/23 "POKECHOP"


Swuvie shared this Scrabulary word in the form of a story.  This story stars her cat Porkchop.

She shares:
"I went to get Porkchop inside for the night and she let me pick her up but dug her claws in my arm a little bit wanting to get down, as usual. I went to clean up the injured area when Dubby said he wanted to talk to me. I wanted to explain to him that I needed to clean up the poke. I was gonna say 'Porkchop poked me and I need to clean up.' However, I just ended up starting with 'Pokechop'.  And I'm like...yeah, that sums it up."😆

No cat scratch fever here. 😽 

~Scrabulary Chris 😊

Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Scrabulary Word of the Day #882 07/18/23 "PACEFUL"


My grandson was playing his favorite video game.  He came upon a village and decided to check it out.  He entered a villager's house to look around.  After leaving, he said:

"The villager was so paceful while waiting for me to leave."

The adventure continues.

~Scrabulary Chris 😄

Thursday, July 13, 2023

Scrabulary Word of the Day #881 07/13/23 "REMACULOUS"


Swuvie was watching a popular television program where competitors demonstrate their strength, skill and agility through an obstacle course.  She was impressed by the skill of a particular competitor and said:

"It was remaculous that he could do that!"

~Scrabulary Chris 😊

Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Scrabulary Word of the Day #880 07/12/23 "SQUESHY"


Swuvie and Dubby were looking through online ads for a reputable company from which to purchase a metal barn for the property. They came across an ad and Dubby said:

"This one looks squeshy."


~Scrabulary Chris 😄

Friday, July 7, 2023

Scrabulary Word of the Day #879 07/07/23 "REPARTMENT"


Swuvie was listening to a podcast that she found particularly interesting.  To make sure the information presented was accurate, the podcaster wanted to read from the police department report and said: 

"We need to take a look at the police repartment."

No fake news here.👍

~Scrabulary Chris 😊

Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Scrabulary Word of the Day #878 07/04/23 "REMEMBERIZED"


I have been playing a particular video game for a couple of months.  I play using my laptop keyboard and touchpad.  I decided to add a mouse for an enhanced gaming experience. This required reassignment of certain actions/commands as well as memorization of those reassigned. I went down the list of commands starting with the "emote" button and said:

"The emote button is "E".  I rememberized that." 

Adding the mouse for forward movement of my character, looking around, striking/attacking and quicker movement in the hot bar has made my playing more effective.  Definitely a good decision. 

~Scrabulary Chris 😄

Monday, July 3, 2023

Scrabulary Word of the Day #877 07/03/23 "CHALM DOWT"


Swuvie was getting ready to feed the cats.  They do love meal time. Two of the cats were acting up when they came inside to eat and Swuvie said:

"Geez! Rambo, Lycan chalm dowt!"

Chow down, kitties! 😆

~Scrabulary Chris 😀

Friday, June 30, 2023

Scrabulary Word of the Day #876 06/30/23 "NEX"


My video game character was following my grandson's character as we explored a cave.  We came across a desirable ore to be mined but it was difficult to reach.  My grandson created a tall pedestal beneath his character and was able to mine the ore successfully. I applauded his accomplishment and said:

"You can reach that ore! Nex!"

So much more to explore!

~Scrabulary Chris 😃

Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Scrabulary Word of the Day #875 06/28/23 "BROCK"


Continuing in the spirit of the video game marathon with my grandson, another Scrabulary word made its appearance.  While exploring a cave in the game, we got into a tight spot.  Trying to figure a way across a deep ravine, I said:

"You can make a walkway starting here.  The water is only one brock deep."

Successfully across, we continued our exploration.

Great fun!

~Scrabulary Chris 😀

Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Scrabulary Word of the Day #874 06/27/23 "LEGATIVE"


During the most recent video game marathon with my grandson (four days and four nights), another Scrabulary word was spoken into being.  I was looking at the terrain in the game's creative mode and said:

"The explosion site is at legative 64."

Avoid at all cost.💥👀

~Scrabulary Chris 😄

Friday, June 9, 2023

Scrabulary Word of the Day #873 6/9/23 "BELEATH"


A few weekends ago, my grandson and I played a popular video game, marathon style. As I was carefully navigating my video character through the game, I heard a suspicious sound effect and said:

"Is it coming from beleath the ground?"

Another marathon is in the works for the middle of next week.  Woohoo!

~Scrabulary Chris 😀

Sunday, January 29, 2023

Scrabulary Word of the Day #872 01/29/23 "SLUNCHED"


My daughter and son-in-law took a trip for a couple of days.  They had a long drive to their destination.  My daughter told me that after a few hours of driving, she had to adjust her posture in the seat.  She said:

"I had to sit up straight because I felt so slunched."

All in all, nice to get away.

~Scrabulary Chris :D

Thursday, January 26, 2023

Scrabulary Word of the Day #871 01/26/23 "IFAGINE"


I was starting to play a board game with my grandson.  He wasn't sure he remembered how to play.  I said:

"Ifagine you will remember quickly."

It only took him a couple of minutes before things clicked.

Board game fun!

~Scrabulary Chris :D

Saturday, January 21, 2023

Scrabulary Word of the Day #870 01/21/23 "FLUR BOBS"


My daughter was laughing seeing all the kitties huddled together by the window.  My son-in-law asked her what she was laughing about and she replied:

"I'm looking at all the flur bobs in the window!"

So adorable!

~Scrabulary Chris :D

Sunday, January 15, 2023

Scrabulary Word of the Day #869 01/15/23 "FOLISHED"

(Pronounced "fahlished")

My daughter was putting together a grocery list and asked my son-in-law to check the refrigerator to see if my grandson had eaten the last of the yogurt.  My son-in-law replied:

"Yep, he folished off the yogurt."

A nod to healthy food choices.👍

~Scrabulary Chris :D

Friday, January 13, 2023

Scrabulary Word of the Day #868 01/13/23 "NIMBERLE'


(Pronounced: nim-ber-uhl)

My grandson and I were sitting in separate chairs in front of the computer.  He was showing me how to play a computer game that he enjoys.  I slid my chair back as I got up but was unaware he had set his leg behind my chair.  His leg stretched back and he said "Wait, my leg!" I stopped immediately.  He pulled his leg in unharmed.  I said:

"Good thing you are nimberle". 

~Scrabulary Chris :D