Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Scrabulary Word of the Day #884 08/02/23 "NEXCELLENT"


My grandson and I were spending time playing a video game.  We discovered an area of treasure that required mining.  He took on the task and when completed said:

"I cleared all the pieces!"  

To which I replied:


Now on to the next discovery!

~Scrabulary Chris 😊

Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Scrabulary Word of the Day #883 08/01/23 "POKECHOP"


Swuvie shared this Scrabulary word in the form of a story.  This story stars her cat Porkchop.

She shares:
"I went to get Porkchop inside for the night and she let me pick her up but dug her claws in my arm a little bit wanting to get down, as usual. I went to clean up the injured area when Dubby said he wanted to talk to me. I wanted to explain to him that I needed to clean up the poke. I was gonna say 'Porkchop poked me and I need to clean up.' However, I just ended up starting with 'Pokechop'.  And I'm like...yeah, that sums it up."😆

No cat scratch fever here. 😽 

~Scrabulary Chris 😊