Sunday, October 11, 2020

Scrabulary Word of the Day #864 10/11/20 "SNOTCH"


My daughter sent this Scrabulary word spoken by my son-in-law.  He had put my grandson to bed and turned on an audio book to help him relax and fall asleep.  Moments later, my son-in-law could hear the story through the closed door.  He poked his head into my grandson's room, let him know the volume was too loud and said:

"Turn that down a snotch."

My grandson quickly complied not wanting to lose the privilege of listening to audio books at bedtime.

Thank you for another wonderful word!

~Scrabulary Chris :D

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Scrabulary Word of the Day #863 02/02/20 "PROFICE"


My co-worker was on the phone with a member trying to help the member with their online payment information.  She was going to transfer the member to our automated phone system to make a payment so they could add their credit card information into the system for monthly automatic payments. As she was instructing the member, she said: 

 "Please bear with the automated phone system.  The automated voice is very "profice". 

We had a laugh because not only did she use the word once, but when the member asked her what she meant, she said "profice" again and had to explain that she had inadvertently combined two words together and had to explain which words and it just became comical. I can only imagine the look on the member's face trying to understand my co-worker's instructions.

My co-worker brings joy to my job!

~Scrabulary Chris :D

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Scrabulary Word of the Day #862 01/19/20 "WEEZY"


My coworker was contemplating whether or not she should wear her jacket for her walk outside on her break.  I said:  

"It is supposed to be colder today than yesterday; so, if  it is weezy, it will be cold."

She decided to play it safe and took her jacket.

Loving winter,

~Scrabulary Chris :)