Sunday, February 17, 2019

Scrabulary Word of the Day #850 - 02/17/19 "POTHROOM"


My daughter is just fluent in Scrabulary.  I'm so proud of her.  She sent me another word.  When asked if she was ready to play a board game, she said:

"Yes, in a minute.  I have to go to the pothroom."

First things first,

~Scrabulary Chris :D

Saturday, February 16, 2019

Scrabulary Word of the Day #849 - 02/16/19 "JARBAGE"


My daughter and son-in-law were doing some house cleaning.  They were clearing out stuff and my son-in-law said:

"Pass me the jarbage to throw out."

Just lightening the load,

~Scrabulary Chris :D

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Scrabulary Word of the Day #848 - 02/14/19 "GALENTINE'S"


My co-worker came through our department and gave each of us gals a beautiful rose.  As she handed them to us she said:

"Happy Galentine's Day!!"

This co-worker champions women at every turn.  She believes in a woman's value, strength, purpose, commitment, power, love, tenderness, beauty, just to name a few.  We were all very touched by her gesture which only strengthened our commitment together as women in our workplace.  

Thank you, Carrie, for the precious reminder and 


~Scrabulary Chris :D

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Scrabulary Word of the Day #847 - 02/10/19 - "POWTENT"


Last Fall, my daughter and I shopped all the craft fairs in town.  We had a wonderful time!  There was so much creativity in the air and fragrances, too!  We stopped by a booth with handmade soaps and put our sniffers to work.  Two bars were particularly yummy smelling - one  bar was cherry and the other was ginger ale--together, they smelled like cherry 7-Up!  I took a whiff of a pine fragrance and said:

"Wow!  That's powtent!"

Some fragrances were strong and some were soft but all of them were delightful!

Wishing you a bubbly day,

~Scrabulary Chris :D

Sunday, February 3, 2019

Scrabulary Word of the Day #846- 02/03/19 "NUBBETS"


My 6 1/2 year old grandson is following in his rightful Scrabulary family footsteps.  My daughter texted me with this new Scrabulary word.  He was going to have chicken nuggets for dinner.  He was asked if he would like them on a plate or in a bowl.  He said:

"I would like my nubbets...[pausing with a look on his face like 'Wait, what did I just say?'--ha-ha!]

You can have your nubbets anytime you would like, Moonpie!

Meemaw loves you!!

Scrabulary Chris :D