Sunday, May 29, 2016

Scrabulary Word of the Day - 05-29-16 "FANTACULAR"


I was playing with my soon-to-be four-year-old grandson in the basement of their new home.  The sun was setting and he noticed the rays of sun coming through the window blinds moving gently with the breeze.  He looked up, an expression of awe and wonderment on his face and said:

"Look!  It's beeeeuteeful!  It's fantacular!"

This is the sweet-spirited boy who calls a beehive a "honey hanger", an above-ground pool is a "pool cup"  and the bricks of a fireplace are called "fire blocks".

Seeing the world around us through Swunnie's eyes -- life-giving.
~Scrabulary Chris :D

Friday, May 27, 2016

Scrabulary Word of the Day - 05/27/16 "SWEATHER"


My friend, Betina, shared this word that her hubby, Jason(also my co-worker), spoke at the start of our Winter months but I think is appropriate for our "Spring" weather this year in Colorado.   He said:

"This is sweather."

One day a blizzard, next day 70 degree weather, next day thunderstorms and hail.  Gotta love Spring in Colorado!!

~Scrabulary Chris :D

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Scrabulary Word of the Day - 05-21-16 "GATE"


A Scrabularized definition for a common word.

I was speaking with my co-worker regarding an account.  She said she would place a call and I said:

"Okay, that's gate!"

My co-workers are the BEST!
~Scrabulary Chris :D

Friday, May 20, 2016

Scrabulary Word of the Day - 05-20-16 "ANOW"


It was brought to my attention that I had to correct a note I had put on an account and I said:

"Okay, I will change that right anow."

~Scrabulary Chris :)

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Scrabulary Word of the Day - 05/14/16 "NEST"


My co-worker, DD, was at it again. She provided today's Scrabulary word-thank you, DD!

Apparently, the air in the office was particularly dusty or allergies were troubling her.  She walked to her cubicle, grabbed a tissue and said:

"My nest is just dripping!"

And you thought nests were for the birds!
~Scrabulary Chris :D

Friday, May 6, 2016

Scrabulary Word of the Day - 05-06-16 "SITUNERO"


**Today's word is courtesy of my co-worker DD--thanks for the great word!**

DD was on the phone with a field rep.  She was trying to keep our field rep from having to deal with a difficult situation on the day's route and said:

"I hate for you to be stuck in that situnero."

That's DD--she's always got our backs! 

~Scrabulary Chris :D