Sunday, February 28, 2016

Scrabulary Word of the Day - 02-28-16 "SPETTI KASH"


It was coming up on meal time and I said to Beetie:

"Do we have spetti kash?" 

[Then slowly and more deliberately, I said:  " squash."]

~Scrabulary Chris :P 

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Scrabulary Word of the Day - 02-27-16 "GUBBLEBUM"


Beetie and I were chatting about the previous winners of American Idol.  Beetie said:

"Then there's David Archuletta--16 years old at the time.  He sang a wide variety of songs on American Idol and then produced an album singing gubblebum music."

The end of another trying-to-become-famous era,
~Scrabulary Chris :D

Friday, February 26, 2016

Scrabulary Word of the Day - 02-26-16 "GO-BRIGGER"


Beetie had to cut away some dead branches from our young Austrian pine tree last Spring.  We were looking at it after the big snow storm we had at the beginning of February and noticed it had already started to fill in.  I said:

"We'll know what shape it will take after we see it go-brigger."

I look forward to the robins being able to nest in it.
~Scrabulary Chris :D

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Scrabulary Word of the Day - 02-20-16 "SPLAYSH"


Swuvie and Dubby were playing a board game. Swuvie placed her game piece on a certain spot on the game board and Dubby said:

"That's a beautiful splaysh!"

Did he say that because it was a masterful move or a move that would help him win the game, hmmmm?

Love board games,
~Scrabulary Chris :D

Friday, February 19, 2016

Scrabulary Word of the Day - 02-19-16 "HELK"


I hadn't slept very well the other night and Beetie suggested I take an afternoon nap.  I said:

"Oh helk, I don't dare take a nap during the day--don't know what sleeping habit that will lead to." 

[Yawn, stretch] Early to bed....
~Scrabulary Chris :D

Monday, February 15, 2016

Scrabulary Word of the Day - 02/15/16 "STONKS"


At Christmas, our department exchanged decorative socks filled with goodies.  As I was looking over the selection of socks at the department store deciding which ones I wanted to purchase, I said:

"Some of these Christmas stonks have glitter on them."

Fun exchange, fun time!
~Scrabulary Chris :D

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Scrabulary Word of the Day - 02-13-16 "BUFFIN"


Beetie and I were with my daughter, son-in-law and grandson at Famous Dave's for a celebratory dinner.  They had finally sold their old house and signed it over to the new owners.  My grandson was enjoying a cornbread muffin and said:

"Yum! This is the buffin ever!"

Burden lifted, hearts happy!!
~Scrabulary Chris :D

Friday, February 12, 2016

Scrabulary Word of the Day - 02-12-16 "TID"


While doing some sewing, I dropped a needle on the carpet and said:

"Uh oh! Where did it fall?  There it tid."

Whew! Didn't want to step on that!
~Scrabulary Chris  <:o

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Scrabulary Word of the Day - 02-07-16 "MHEAK OR WILT"


I was reading the ingredients of doTERRA Lifelong Vitality supplements making sure there were no wheat or milk products.  In fact, the ingredients do state that the product does not contain wheat or milk.  So I said:

"Yup, says here does not contain mheak or wilt products." 

The mg's of some of the ingredients are less than the supplements I currently take but I'm gonna give it a try.

To health!
~Scrabulary Chris :D

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Scrabulary Word of the Day - 02-06-16 "SNUFF"


A common word becomes uncommon the Scrabulary way.  

Swuvie was out running errands and found herself stuck in the snow.  A Good Samaritan neighbor helped her get her vehicle rolling again. She was exhausted when she got home.  When asked how she was doing, she said:

"Kinda wiped out cause I had to go out and get stuck in all the snuff."

Safe at home again,
~Scrabulary Chris :D

Friday, February 5, 2016

Scrabulary Word of the Day - 02-05-16 "HEVER"


I was looking at photos on my Android phone when I accidentally clicked something that took the picture I was looking at and set it up as a text message.  It wanted me to put in a recipient name and type a message, etc.  I exited out of this and it remained as a draft message.  I went back into the text messaging and tried to delete the draft, however, no delete button available.  Frustrated, I typed in a fake recipient name "nobody" and clicked to the "typing text" portion, clicked the "X" as if wanting to delete typing, exited out of the text message and the draft went away.  I said:

"This phone needs a "delete" button for drafts in text messaging.  I have one for g-mail on my laptop.  Just click, gone.  Can't do it with text messaging for what the hever reason."

Technology--sometimes frustrates this old girl,
~Scrabulary Chris  >:/