Saturday, August 8, 2015

Scrabulary Word of the Day - 08-08-15 "METAVIVORS"


I am going to break one Scrabulary rule and allow a word that is a deliberate, not accidental or spoken in conversation combination of two words.  This is in honor of my son-in-law's mom who is battling metastatic cancer.  I am in awe of this woman--of her courage, her strength, her outlook and her humor.  She said in her last blog post on 08/04/15:

"Because of all the new therapies, cancer is no longer a scenario of being either 'cured' or 'dying'.  More and more, it is being treated as a 'chronic condition' of flare-ups and setbacks, so that we must keep our bodies in as good a condition as possible during stable periods so we can better withstand the next 'trip to the rodeo.'"[chemotherapy]  They've even coined a name for us.  They call us "Metavivors." AKA Surviving with Mets."

You are an inspiration to those of us who know you and/or read your blog, Dixie.  Thoughts and prayers are with you.

Check out Dixie's blog at and her book Tales from the Teal Warrior-A Memoir (Kindle Edition).
~Scrabulary Chris <3

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