Monday, December 29, 2014

Scrabulary Word of the Day - 12-29-14 "TUMP"


Swuvie was demonstrating the convenience and versatility of the Thirty-One products she sells and said:

"You can put the Folding File into the Essential Tote so things don't tump over in the bag."

Great products!  And so pretty, too!!
~Scrabulary Chris :D

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Scrabulary Word of the Day - 12-28-14 "APPURNITURE"


While Beetie and I were driving downtown, I noticed a new furniture store had just opened and Beetie said:

"Their advertisement says that they are an appurniture store."

Something new every day,
~Scrabulary Chris :D

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Scrabulary Word of the Day - 12-27-14 "SOINDS"


My grandson received a Hess collectible truck for Christmas this year from his Granny in Boston.  I watched him play with it.  As he was pushing the buttons to hear all the sounds, I said:

"Wow! That truck makes all kinds of cool soinds."

A boy and his truck--fun all day long,
~Scrabulary Chris :D

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Scrabulary Word of the Day - 12-25-14 "ADORGEOUS"


My boss's daughter brought her newborn daughter by the office for all of us to coo over.  After seeing her I said:

"She's just adorgeous!"

~Scrabulary Chris :D

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Scrabulary Word of the Day - 12-24-14 "TRANGE"


I was sitting in one of two chairs in the booth at a craft fair where Swuvie was selling her "Thirty-One" products.  I had swapped chairs with her so I could check out other booths at the fair.  When I returned, I said:

"Ok, now we'll trange back."

Thirty-"one"derful products!!
~Scrabulary Chris :D

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Scrabulary Word of the Day - 12-23-14 "PABIES"


My co-worker was telling me how her sister spent a very cold night because the furnace went out at the place she was renting.   I was irritated to hear that the landlord wasn't going to help her until late the next day and her puppies had to spend the night in the garage with just a space heater.  I said:

"Poor pabies!!"

I'm a bleeding heart for animals,
~Scrabulary Chris :')

Monday, December 22, 2014

Scrabulary Word of the Day - 12-22-14 "UPTET"


Beetie provided today's word.  Something I was working on hadn't turned out as planned and he said:

"No reason to get uptet about it."

Yup, don't sweat the small stuff,
~Scrabulary Chris :D

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Scrabulary Word of the Day - 12-21-14 "SQUAMPKINS"


I asked my co-worker what her garden produced this year.  She said she planted squash and some giant pumpkin seeds.  She said:

"I got some pretty good sized pumpkins and because of cross-pollination from last year's crop, I got squampkins.  The outside looked like a pumpkin and the inside had the texture and aroma of squash."

Those busy little bees,
~Scrabulary Chris :D

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Scrabulary Word of the Day - 12-14-15 "TROMPLE"


On This Week w/George Stephanopoulos they showed a clip of the members of Congress that had been voted out in the last election giving their farewells.  One touted the praises of being able to stand (as she points to area around her) in the few "free feet" of space.  All I could say to no one in particular:

"Who'd you tromple to get to that few "free feet" to stand and voice your useless opinions."  

I do not think positively of politicians,
~Scrabulary Chris :D

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Scrabulary Word of the Day -12-13-14 "MAINJOR"


I was chatting with my lovely daughter, Swuvie, at a local craft/vendor show where she had a booth selling her "Thirty-One" product line.  During a lull in foot traffic, we were discussing a magazine article I had read regarding the upcoming Dr. Who Christmas special.  There was an excerpt regarding the fate of a certain character.  As I explained that there was more to the article, I said:

"It's not the mainjor part of the story."

Hoping I can tune in,
~Scrabulary Chris :D

Friday, December 12, 2014

Scrabulary Word of the Day - 12-12-14 "PASSWORK"


One of my co-workers is retiring soon.  In a conversation she was having with another co-worker, she was asked if she had any plans for her retirement.  She said:

"No, not really, but I have to finish my passwork."

Sounds like a clue to what her retirement will include.

Hope it's fabulous!
~Scrabulary Chris :D