Sunday, November 23, 2014

Scrabulary Word of the Day - 11-23-14 "FEATER"


Swuvie sent today's Scrabulary word that 2 1/2 yr. old Swunny spoke.   Their furnace hadn't been working properly so Swuvie put a temperature controlled space heater in Swunny's room.  In the morning, Swunny said:  "Turn off the fan. Turn off the fan, turn off the little fan!"  Swuvie said:  "It's a heater."  Swunny then said:

"Turn off the heater fan, turn off the little heater fan. *pause* Turn off the, turn off the, turn off the feater!"

Great word, Swunny!  Meemaw is proud of you!
~Scrabulary Chris :'D

1 comment:

  1. Swuvie = Sweetie + Lovey (Scrabulary name for my daughter)
    Swunny = Sweetie + Honey (Scrabulary name for my grandson)
