Friday, November 30, 2012

Scrabulary Word of the Day - 11-30 "PRETTYTHISOON"


"I'm thinking we should leave prettythisoon."

Sooner than later,
~Scrabulary Chris :D

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Scrabulary Word of the Day - 11-25 "GRLAD"


Beetie and I are enjoying a relaxing holiday weekend at a brand new hotel downtown celebrating our 35th wedding anniversary!!

We brought our computers and as I unpacked I asked Beetie: "Did you remember to bring my mouse?   He replied: "Yes I did!" I then said:
"I am so grlad."
Thanks for an amazing 35 years, Beetie!!  Unbelievable!!
I love you!!
~Scrabulary Chris :D

Friday, November 23, 2012

Scrabulary Word of the Day - 11-23 "TISSED"


Last weekend, Beetie and I were watching the Broncos play.  During one play, the quarterback threw an interception in the endzone.  Beetie commented: 

"After Meyton threw the "pick-6" he was noticeably tissed."

But Meyton kept it together and the Broncos won!
~Scrabulary Chris :D

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Scrabulary Word of the Day - 11-22 "HORMOWNER"


Now, being in the "over 50" age group, Beetie and I sometimes check out communities in which to live that target our age group.  Now, being in the "over 50" group, I experience hormonal changes (hot flashes, etc) that enter my train of thought while having them.  So, when Beetie and I were driving through a community that caught our interest, I was wondering if there might be any homeowner fees when a "hot flash" hit and I said:

"I wonder if they charge hormowner fees."

Whew! Horppy Thanksgiving Everyone! [fanning myself]
~Scrabulary Chris :]

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Scrabulary Word of the Day - 11-18 "RIST"


Beetie was walking around a craft show with me and spied a chair.  I said:

 "Okay, you wanna rist while I continue looking around?

It's craft show season!
~Scrabulary Chris :D

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Scrabulary Word of the Day - 11-11 "MEYTON"


Beetie and I were watching the Broncos play the Panthers today.  Beetie left the room to get some snacks from the kitchen and the Broncos scored a touchdown.  When he returned, I told him the Broncos scored and he was disappointed that he missed the play, then said:

"I guess my leaving the room helped Meyton do his job."

The Broncos were victorious!!
[and Beetie got to watch the game]
~Scrabulary Chris :D

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Scrabulary Word of the Day - 11-10 "MUS"


Swuvie and I were discussing the ingredients for a recipe and she said:

"Dubby and I are going to the grocery store later, so write a list of what you need and I'll take it with mus."

French onion soup tonight?
~Scrabulary Chris :D

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Scrabulary Word of the Day - 11-04 "DECANDY"


Okay, Scrabulary readers, Cap'n Denny sent this word along. The word didn't actually roll off the tongue, but flowed through the fingers.  Does this qualify as an actual Scrabulary word since it wasn't actually spoken?  Let me know what you think.

Cap'n says:

"I just typed "decandy" for decoy candy. Not a verbal slip but a typo. Decandy is the bowl of Tootsie Rolls and Dum-Dums that I pass out before breaking open the Almond Joy, Reese's Cups and Butterfingers, hoping that they will still be here on All Saints' Day."
Excellent Halloween strategy, Cap'n,
~Scrabulary Chris :D

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Scrabulary Word of the Day - 11-03 "STREATCH"


While sitting on the sofa between two people playing Wii, I reached past the person next to me to retrieve my drink from the endtable and said:

"Excuse me while I streatch to get my drink."

Dare not interrupt the game,
~Scrabulary Chris :D

Friday, November 2, 2012

Scrabulary Word of the Day 11-02 "STOOCH"


With puppy dog eyes looking at me hoping I'd give him some of my dinner, I said to Neptune:

"Oh, Neptune, I know you just wanna stooch some of this off my plate."

Silly pitty,
~Scrabulary Chris :D