Saturday, January 28, 2012

Scrabulary Word of the Day 1-28


Today's word is courtesy of Swuvie in response to a dream that Donut had last night.  Seems Donut dreamt that Swuvie, Beetie, he and I were living in a house that Donut lived in in Massachusetts.  In the dream, Donut had been on a trip and when he returned home we took him to the backyard and showed him a gigantic hole big enough to fit a large car.  The hole contained a huge maze system held up by columns.  Beetie handed Donut a brochure calling the maze the "Gongozolla System".  Beetie and Swuvie were excited that it had only cost $50 to open up the hole where the system already existed.  

When Donut told Swuvie of the dream she said, tongue-in-cheek:

"It's just a government plat to take over the world!!"

Maybe Donut is the next Stephen King?
~Scrabulary Chris :D

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