Craig Ferguson was talking about the Republican candidate debates during his monologue. In referring to Mit Romney he said:
"And now Mitney" [he stops and laughs having caught himself in what he said]. "Mitney, [ha-ha] I guess I don't have time to call him Mit Romney." [ha-ha]
Makes me chuckle to hear TV personalities create Scrabulary words in the true sense of the definition, i.e. creating one word or phrase out of multiple words or phrases that are actually spoken in dialogue/speeches/monologues/conversations.
My co-worker and I got in each other's way as we went back and forth in the "pill box" trying to help customers. As we just managed to avoid a collision, I said:
Beetie was watching our amazing Denver Broncos play the Chicago Bears. In the last 3 minutes, the Broncos tied the game and sent it into overtime. Chicago won the coin toss so Beetie was interested to see if the Broncos could pull off another win. At the end of the game he said excitedly:
"Yea! The Bears won the toin coss but the Broncos won the game!!!!"
Thanks again, Beetie. Your enthusiasm "coined" another Scrabulary word. (^^)
I was chatting via cell phone with my sister, Maggie, yesterday. I told her it was cold and snowy outside and I was making chicken soup. Her reply was:
It seems Wednesday's X-Factor was the place for Scrabulary happenings. Yesterday's word was courtesy of the rapper Astro and today's is courtesy of Paula Abdul. Astro had finished his rap and Paula was giving her opinion when she said:
"Astro, I think you are influational!"
Now that's a word worth remembering, ~Scrabulary Chris :D
When watching X-Factor last night, rapper "Astro" was being interviewed about the previous week when it looked like he might not make it to this week. When asked how he felt after knowing he was safe for another week he said:
I often say "Jiminy Cricket" or "Jiminy Crackers" when I am exasperated about something. Today I just couldn't understand why a situation wasn't going well and I said:
Donut contributed today's Scrabulary word. He and Swuvie had taken Neptune to the vet for his annual check-up. The vet was so impressed with Neptune and complimented Donut and Swuvie on their love and care for him. On their way home, Donut said:
Swuvie is on a roll. She's graduated "Scrabularily" to combining phrases. At today's Thanksgiving get-together we were discussing plans for Christmas and she said:
My mother-in-law, Dorothy, provided today's Scrabulary word. She and her husband shared an evening with Swuvie, Donut, Beetie and me and in a short note of thanks wrote:
"Thanks so much for catching us up and sharing all your wonderful advents."
Swuvie and I were talking about Halloween decorations and I said: " I want to get some pumpkin earrings." She said: "Let me see what I can do about that." So I went to work and when I got home she presented me with these adorable crocheted pumpkin earrings. I was so excited. I put them on and said:
"Oh I love these and [wiggling my head back and forth] I love the way they dingle."
Jay Leno has a segment on his show called "Sold, Not Sold". He shows unusual items for sale on Ebay and the audience votes whether the item sold or not. He shows a potato that is shaped like a person's behind and I say to my husband:
"Can you believe someone actually bought that buttato for $1.99?"
It was worth so much more! jk ~Scrabulary Chris :D
I missed posting a Scrabulary word yesterday so here are two that occurred while chatting with the family about Neptune. He was scratching and scratching his ear.
I didn't post a Scrabulary word for 9-18 because after I got home from work I watched two movies--"Ondine" w/Colin Farrell and "Hereafter" w/Matt Damon. They were excellent films. Check them out, you mate enjoy them!
No matter how quickly I try to help customers, literally running back and forth to get issues resolved, handling more than one customer at a time, I STILL get that piassy glare from customers waiting in line.
Chill, people--a few minutes in line is not the end of your world!!!! ~Scrabulary Chris :D
I woke up this morning kinda groggy. I said to my husband: "I gotta have coffeine." I headed to the kitchen and brewed a deliciously smelling pot of vanilla nut coffee. I poured a cup as my daughter walked into the room. I raised my mug of creamy delight and said to her "Ahh, got my caffee." Whoa! Two Scrabulary words before even taking a sip!!!
Yaawwn--okay, just one more cup, ~Scrabulary Chris :D
Today's Scrabulary word is courtesy of my son, Josiah.
"I'll always voot for the Rockies whenever they play."
Thanks so much, Josiah! :D
~Scrabulary Chris
P.S. Check out Josiah's dance studio in Florida via his website at Also, check out his dance style at