Swuvie and I enjoyed a wonderful girls' day out today. We went to several art galleries. In one gallery, Swuvie showed me a piece of art and indicated how much she liked it. I then said "That one is crate."
A beautiful day with my beautiful daughter! So happy, ~Scrabulary Chris :D
Today's Scrabulary word is a contribution by my son-in-law, Donut. He has turned a phrase into a Scrabulary word. Their dog, Neptune, loves peanut butter so Donut said:
"I'm gonna give Neptune a spoonutbutter."
That dog was sooooo happy,
~Scrabulary Chris
I welcome all contributions from followers. Send in your word/words and I'll put it/them as the "Word of the Day" giving you the credit. It would be fun to see what y'all come up with. :D
My skin sensitivity to cosmetics has had me on a long journey. I have found Aquaphor to be the only adequate lip protection/moisturizer; however, it is not a stick application. My daughter introduced me to Burt's Bees lip balm and in its very basic formulation I can apply it like lipstick and not have any reactions. I told Swuvie this and it came out with a Scrabulary word in tow--something like this: