Thursday, March 3, 2011

Scrabulary Word of the Day 3-3


I was privileged to be a part of a random act of kindness at work today.  I was helping an elderly customer and his even more elderly mother with her order.  In line behind these two people was one of our men in uniform.  When I told the gentleman and his mother the cost of her order, they became a bit distressed over the price.  Our man in uniform overheard the conversation and reached around them, arm outstretched w/an amount of currency that would cover the cost of her order.  I took the bill from him and told the gentleman and his mother that the man behind them wanted to pay for their order.  They were so surprised, pleased and humbled. The gentleman shook the hand of our man in uniform in appreciation for his kind offer and the mother thanked him again and again.  It was so sneat to watch this tright example of unselfish kindness take place.

Made my day!
~Scrabulary Chris

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