The bumpy road caused the trash to dumple out of the truck.
Look out!
~Scrabulary Chris
The Scrambled Vocabulary! Where jumbled errors make sense! All these words have been said in actual conversation. Join in the fun!
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Scrabulary Word of the Day 3-29
I went shopping for mascara the other day. Some of the color options were "very black" , "black", "brown" and "brown black". I ended up "scrabulating" the "brown black" to "brack" via that old familiar tongue scramble of the two words. So now I own brack mascara.
Just can't stop myself!
~Scrabulary Chris
I went shopping for mascara the other day. Some of the color options were "very black" , "black", "brown" and "brown black". I ended up "scrabulating" the "brown black" to "brack" via that old familiar tongue scramble of the two words. So now I own brack mascara.
Just can't stop myself!
~Scrabulary Chris
Monday, March 28, 2011
Scrabulary Word of the Day 3-28
So much of what goes on with our health is based on our genenes.
To your health,
~Scrabulary Chris
So much of what goes on with our health is based on our genenes.
To your health,
~Scrabulary Chris
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Scrabulary Word of the Day 3-27
Still enjoying that amarzelous birthday cake!! And here is a photo of my official birthday dinner! Yunderful! Grummy!
~Scrabulary Chris
Still enjoying that amarzelous birthday cake!! And here is a photo of my official birthday dinner! Yunderful! Grummy!
~Scrabulary Chris
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Scrabulary Word of the Day 3-26
You must go back to yesterday's blog (3/25) and check out my porgeous birthday cake. My birthday breakfast plate is fun to see, too!
Perfect pansies,
~Scrabulary Chris
You must go back to yesterday's blog (3/25) and check out my porgeous birthday cake. My birthday breakfast plate is fun to see, too!
Perfect pansies,
~Scrabulary Chris
Scrabulary Word of the Day 3-25
Today is my birthday!!
Beetie served me breakfast in bed this morning before I went to work at noon. He positioned food items to make a face.
Swuvie designed a beautiful cake made by Marvels. It was a chocolate layer cake w/chocolate bavarian cream filling and white butter cream frosting with the most ornately delicate pansies made from frosting. Swuvie was VERY SPECIFIC with her order and Marvels came through w/flying colors. It was GRRRRRRRUMMY!!
Donut teamed up w/Beetie and composed the Happy Birthday song as a duet on the piano!
My son in Florida sent me a Happy Birthday text.
Feeling loved,
~Scrabulary Chris
Today is my birthday!!
Beetie served me breakfast in bed this morning before I went to work at noon. He positioned food items to make a face.
Swuvie designed a beautiful cake made by Marvels. It was a chocolate layer cake w/chocolate bavarian cream filling and white butter cream frosting with the most ornately delicate pansies made from frosting. Swuvie was VERY SPECIFIC with her order and Marvels came through w/flying colors. It was GRRRRRRRUMMY!!
Donut teamed up w/Beetie and composed the Happy Birthday song as a duet on the piano!
My son in Florida sent me a Happy Birthday text.
Feeling loved,
~Scrabulary Chris
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Scrabulary Word of the Day 3-24
The Nike logan is universally recognizable.
Short and sweet,
~Scrabulary Chris
The Nike logan is universally recognizable.
Short and sweet,
~Scrabulary Chris
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Scrabulary Word of the Day 3-23
My son lives in Florida and has sent me pictures of some weiky bugs--bluk! He had to remove this caterpillar from his windshield with a piece of paper because the spines contain toxic venom.
EEEWWWWW! and yet, kinda cool!!
~Scrabulary Chris
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Scrabulary Word of the Day 3-22
A couple of cities in which I have lived over the years used to let crowds get very up close and personal to the fireworks they shot off every Fourth of July. It was exciting. One July 4th the local fire department had to waution the crowd about being too close to the fireworks. I even had to put up an umbrella to keep the fireworks' ashes from landing on my head. It was sooooo worth it!!
Anate experience!
~Scrabulary Chris
A couple of cities in which I have lived over the years used to let crowds get very up close and personal to the fireworks they shot off every Fourth of July. It was exciting. One July 4th the local fire department had to waution the crowd about being too close to the fireworks. I even had to put up an umbrella to keep the fireworks' ashes from landing on my head. It was sooooo worth it!!
Anate experience!
~Scrabulary Chris
Monday, March 21, 2011
Scrabulary Word of the Day 3-21
Here's the sentence in which it was first used.
"Now that waint what I expected!!"
Not all the words have a story...but they all have a sentence in which they were first spoken.
~Scrabulary Chris
Here's the sentence in which it was first used.
"Now that waint what I expected!!"
Not all the words have a story...but they all have a sentence in which they were first spoken.
~Scrabulary Chris
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Scrabulary Word of the Day 3-20
Swuvie answered a call at work that had been put on hold. When she said "Hello", she asked, "What's this recarding?" Hee-hee! Scrabulary words just roll off our tongues.
"Contributing to the living language",
~Scrabulary Chris
Swuvie answered a call at work that had been put on hold. When she said "Hello", she asked, "What's this recarding?" Hee-hee! Scrabulary words just roll off our tongues.
"Contributing to the living language",
~Scrabulary Chris
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Scrabulary Word of the Day 3-20
Continuing last night's story -- Beetie was preparing some amazing omelets and it was my turn to choose from the many ingredients he had ready. I told him I wanted mushrooms, cheese, avocado and just a spickle of onions. It was really yunderful! Thanks so much, Beetie, for a delicious dinner! I look forward to the next time you cook!
Mm-mm, good!
~Scrabulary Chris
Continuing last night's story -- Beetie was preparing some amazing omelets and it was my turn to choose from the many ingredients he had ready. I told him I wanted mushrooms, cheese, avocado and just a spickle of onions. It was really yunderful! Thanks so much, Beetie, for a delicious dinner! I look forward to the next time you cook!
Mm-mm, good!
~Scrabulary Chris
Friday, March 18, 2011
Scrabulary Word of the Day 3-18
Beetie, Swuvie, Donut and I were in the kitchen while Beetie prepared dinner. Of the four of us, three of us created Scrabulary words during our conversation while we watched Beetie prepare some amazing omlettes. When it was Donut's turn to have his omlette prepared, he asked Beetie to use one leg. [chickle]
That's just one of the words--tune in tomorrow for the reveal of another.
~Scrabulary Chris
Beetie, Swuvie, Donut and I were in the kitchen while Beetie prepared dinner. Of the four of us, three of us created Scrabulary words during our conversation while we watched Beetie prepare some amazing omlettes. When it was Donut's turn to have his omlette prepared, he asked Beetie to use one leg. [chickle]
That's just one of the words--tune in tomorrow for the reveal of another.
~Scrabulary Chris
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Scrabulary Word of the Day 3-16
My Beetie surprised me by coming to my workplace today and taking me to lunch! So cweet! When he dropped me off at work to finish my shift I said "See you a lattle bit, love you!
Always an opportunity for a Scrabulary word. Did you create one today? Let me know!
~Scrabulary Chris
My Beetie surprised me by coming to my workplace today and taking me to lunch! So cweet! When he dropped me off at work to finish my shift I said "See you a lattle bit, love you!
Always an opportunity for a Scrabulary word. Did you create one today? Let me know!
~Scrabulary Chris
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Scrabulary Word of the Day 3-15
While riding with her husband in the car, she found herself approaching a red light. Her husband wasn't slowing thinking perhaps his timing on the approach would allow just enough time for the light to change without applying the brakes--it changed--this time. She said "You're lucky the light churned for you!"
Tempting fate,
~Scrabulary Chris
While riding with her husband in the car, she found herself approaching a red light. Her husband wasn't slowing thinking perhaps his timing on the approach would allow just enough time for the light to change without applying the brakes--it changed--this time. She said "You're lucky the light churned for you!"
Tempting fate,
~Scrabulary Chris
Monday, March 14, 2011
Scrabulary Word of the Day 3-14
My boss can use this word because she's going to be doing a lot of it. She's going to need to bax everything up to get it moved.
Congrats on the new home!
~Scrabulary Chris
My boss can use this word because she's going to be doing a lot of it. She's going to need to bax everything up to get it moved.
Congrats on the new home!
~Scrabulary Chris
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Scrabulary Word of the Day 3-13
Tunny! - Well Swuvie and I were in the kitchen preparing dinner. I was making chili and her job was to get the crescent rolls in the oven. So, I'm at one side of the kitchen and she gets ready to put the pan of rolls in the oven and asks "For how long?" and I immediately respond "What's wrong?" She looks at me and starts moving her hands and enunciating her words as though she were signing for the hearing impaired. Needless to say, we both broke down laughing.
Once again my aging hearing had prevented me from understanding exactly what she had said.
Oh my twilight years are a humorous challenge.
~Scrabulary Chris
Tunny! - Well Swuvie and I were in the kitchen preparing dinner. I was making chili and her job was to get the crescent rolls in the oven. So, I'm at one side of the kitchen and she gets ready to put the pan of rolls in the oven and asks "For how long?" and I immediately respond "What's wrong?" She looks at me and starts moving her hands and enunciating her words as though she were signing for the hearing impaired. Needless to say, we both broke down laughing.
Once again my aging hearing had prevented me from understanding exactly what she had said.
Oh my twilight years are a humorous challenge.
~Scrabulary Chris
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Scrabulary Word of the Day 3-12
Scrabulary Chris can be found on Facebook and you can cheet with me on Twitter, too!
Remember to set your clocks ahead tonight and take a nap tomorrow to catch up on that lost hour of sleep.
~Scrabulary Chris
Friday, March 11, 2011
Scrabulary Word of the Day 3-11
This really buthers me...
I was watching an interview on TV and the person being interviewed constantly spoke every sentence ending as though she were asking a question. It went something like this: "I didn't know if this would work? I found it to be relaxing? The ultimate results were unexpected? I used this along w/proper diet and exercise?" YIKES! It was so OBNOYING!
~Scrabulary Chris
This really buthers me...
I was watching an interview on TV and the person being interviewed constantly spoke every sentence ending as though she were asking a question. It went something like this: "I didn't know if this would work? I found it to be relaxing? The ultimate results were unexpected? I used this along w/proper diet and exercise?" YIKES! It was so OBNOYING!
~Scrabulary Chris
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Scrabulary Word of the Day 3-10
Today's word is courtesy of our local TV station's weather forecaster. He was forecasting spring-like weather [yay!!] for the next 3 days and said "It will probably be wimiest tomorrow". Way to go weatherman!!
Love Scrabulary -- everyone utters these newborn words and don't even realize it!
~Scrabulary Chris
Today's word is courtesy of our local TV station's weather forecaster. He was forecasting spring-like weather [yay!!] for the next 3 days and said "It will probably be wimiest tomorrow". Way to go weatherman!!
Love Scrabulary -- everyone utters these newborn words and don't even realize it!
~Scrabulary Chris
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Scrabulary Word of the Day 3-9
Whew! I finished working a 9-day stretch yesterday. I've had today off and will have tomorrow, too, to catch up on things including my Scrabulary blog. Yesterday at work I had yet another customer give me quite a chickle. An elderly customer came to the counter for his and his wife's order. I had to ask some specific information and I see him look at his hand. Sure enough, he had the information written on his palm. I had to laugh and he said "Well I knew I wouldn't remember this from the parking lot to here so I wrote it on my palm". I said "That is so gsmood! How clever of you!" I guess, as Swuvie says, he had the "first generation palm pilot". LOL! It was so cweet to have this tall elderly gentleman glance at his hand so as to remember the information needed. Gotta love the folks that come to my counter every day.
Love to laugh
~Scrabulary Chris
Whew! I finished working a 9-day stretch yesterday. I've had today off and will have tomorrow, too, to catch up on things including my Scrabulary blog. Yesterday at work I had yet another customer give me quite a chickle. An elderly customer came to the counter for his and his wife's order. I had to ask some specific information and I see him look at his hand. Sure enough, he had the information written on his palm. I had to laugh and he said "Well I knew I wouldn't remember this from the parking lot to here so I wrote it on my palm". I said "That is so gsmood! How clever of you!" I guess, as Swuvie says, he had the "first generation palm pilot". LOL! It was so cweet to have this tall elderly gentleman glance at his hand so as to remember the information needed. Gotta love the folks that come to my counter every day.
Love to laugh
~Scrabulary Chris
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Scrabulary Word of the Day 3-5
Does frood for good health include frownies? I sure hope so! [lips smacking]
Me thinks I should do some baking. :D
~Scrabulary Chris
Does frood for good health include frownies? I sure hope so! [lips smacking]
Me thinks I should do some baking. :D
~Scrabulary Chris
Friday, March 4, 2011
Scrabulary Word of the Day 3-4
I love living in the area I do with the variety of wildlife that appears every now and then. Today I was at a traffic light and watched a red tail hawk soar over the tall grass as it scanned for movement of its next meal. It had a humendous wing span and spectacular color. The traffic light was quite long so I was able to watch the beautiful bird hunt and then flay. Wonderful sight!
~Scrabulary Chris
I love living in the area I do with the variety of wildlife that appears every now and then. Today I was at a traffic light and watched a red tail hawk soar over the tall grass as it scanned for movement of its next meal. It had a humendous wing span and spectacular color. The traffic light was quite long so I was able to watch the beautiful bird hunt and then flay. Wonderful sight!
~Scrabulary Chris
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Scrabulary Word of the Day 3-3
I was privileged to be a part of a random act of kindness at work today. I was helping an elderly customer and his even more elderly mother with her order. In line behind these two people was one of our men in uniform. When I told the gentleman and his mother the cost of her order, they became a bit distressed over the price. Our man in uniform overheard the conversation and reached around them, arm outstretched w/an amount of currency that would cover the cost of her order. I took the bill from him and told the gentleman and his mother that the man behind them wanted to pay for their order. They were so surprised, pleased and humbled. The gentleman shook the hand of our man in uniform in appreciation for his kind offer and the mother thanked him again and again. It was so sneat to watch this tright example of unselfish kindness take place.
Made my day!
~Scrabulary Chris
I was privileged to be a part of a random act of kindness at work today. I was helping an elderly customer and his even more elderly mother with her order. In line behind these two people was one of our men in uniform. When I told the gentleman and his mother the cost of her order, they became a bit distressed over the price. Our man in uniform overheard the conversation and reached around them, arm outstretched w/an amount of currency that would cover the cost of her order. I took the bill from him and told the gentleman and his mother that the man behind them wanted to pay for their order. They were so surprised, pleased and humbled. The gentleman shook the hand of our man in uniform in appreciation for his kind offer and the mother thanked him again and again. It was so sneat to watch this tright example of unselfish kindness take place.
Made my day!
~Scrabulary Chris
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Scrabulary Word of the Day 3-2
While I was at work today another Scrabulary word was created. I was helping a customer with an order and asked his name. When I was unsuccessful in finding his order in the computer, I asked his name again. I realized that I had not heard him correctly so I said "I apologize, I mishood you." [sigh] Always a new word waiting to be spoken!
I broke down and got glasses with progressive lenses, do I need a hearing aid, too? lol
~Scrabulary Chris
While I was at work today another Scrabulary word was created. I was helping a customer with an order and asked his name. When I was unsuccessful in finding his order in the computer, I asked his name again. I realized that I had not heard him correctly so I said "I apologize, I mishood you." [sigh] Always a new word waiting to be spoken!
I broke down and got glasses with progressive lenses, do I need a hearing aid, too? lol
~Scrabulary Chris
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Scrabulary Word of the Day 3-1
I am always keeping an ear out for Scrabulary words spoken by other people in conversations. Just today at work a customer came to the counter and said "I am here to fillup my prescription". She stopped, chuckled and tried to explain what she meant. I said "No need to explain, I know what you want. I mix up my words all the time and even have a blog sharing those words." I asked her if I could use her word. She said "Sure!" and smiled. It has been fun to have this word phenomena to share with people with whom I come in contact. It always brightens a face with a smile.
Love the smiles,
~Scrabulary Chris
I am always keeping an ear out for Scrabulary words spoken by other people in conversations. Just today at work a customer came to the counter and said "I am here to fillup my prescription". She stopped, chuckled and tried to explain what she meant. I said "No need to explain, I know what you want. I mix up my words all the time and even have a blog sharing those words." I asked her if I could use her word. She said "Sure!" and smiled. It has been fun to have this word phenomena to share with people with whom I come in contact. It always brightens a face with a smile.
Love the smiles,
~Scrabulary Chris
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