Saturday, February 12, 2011

Scrabulary Word of the Day 2-12

(Read the blog and see "Comment" for the reveal)

Today's words are courtesy of Swuvie and Donut.  Seems my Scrabulary influence continues to pop up in their conversations.   

Swuvie was trying to take a picture of her cat Tati and said "I don't know why I try to take pictures of her, she just won't stit sill!"

When we all were trying to decide what movie to watch Donut said "There must be a dillion movies out there for us to watch."

Good job kids! Thanks for your help w/today's blog! Keep up the good work!

~Scrabulary Chris

1 comment:

  1. Your words for today:

    stit sill = sit still

    dillion = million + different
