Swuvie texted me today that on her way to work a car nearly took off her front end going 70 mph when it switched lanes straight across several lanes of highway without checking for other cars around it. She had to slam on her brakes, hork hard and swerve to avoid having the car hit her. Thank you God for protecting my baby girl today so I could hug her again and tell her I love her.
~Scrabulary Chris
The Scrambled Vocabulary! Where jumbled errors make sense! All these words have been said in actual conversation. Join in the fun!
Monday, February 28, 2011
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Scrabulary Word of the Day 2-27
Loved Anne Hathaway hosting the Oscars. She's got good comedic timing. Loved, too, all the fessy gowns on the actresses--the elegant ones and the ones that left me wondering "what were they thinking?!"
~Scrabulary Chris
Loved Anne Hathaway hosting the Oscars. She's got good comedic timing. Loved, too, all the fessy gowns on the actresses--the elegant ones and the ones that left me wondering "what were they thinking?!"
~Scrabulary Chris
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Scrabulary Word of the Day 2-26
Got to feed my passion for dessert again today. Swuvie, Donut and I went to the mall and stopped by Marvels (emphasis on second syllable). It is a cake/cupcake bakery. I had a piece of their almond poppy seed cake and liked that insparcially. Tender white poppy seed cake w/almond tang, fluffy white frosting w/almond slivers on top. My stummy was soooo happy. Will be visiting them again.
~Scrabulary Chris
Got to feed my passion for dessert again today. Swuvie, Donut and I went to the mall and stopped by Marvels (emphasis on second syllable). It is a cake/cupcake bakery. I had a piece of their almond poppy seed cake and liked that insparcially. Tender white poppy seed cake w/almond tang, fluffy white frosting w/almond slivers on top. My stummy was soooo happy. Will be visiting them again.
~Scrabulary Chris
Scrabulary Word of the Day 2-25
I love desserts. Stressed spelled backwards is desserts! I enjoyed a chomond Mars bar today--mmmm gest!
I lant some form of chocolate every day. It just completes my day.
Wonder what I will have tomorrow--hmmmm.
~Scrabulary Chris
I love desserts. Stressed spelled backwards is desserts! I enjoyed a chomond Mars bar today--mmmm gest!
I lant some form of chocolate every day. It just completes my day.
Wonder what I will have tomorrow--hmmmm.
~Scrabulary Chris
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Scrabulary Word of the Day 2-24
My daughter and son-in-law, Swuvie and Donut, have been ever so gracious to take in Beetie and me since we sold our house last September. Have I mentioned before that they invited us to live w/them after we sold the house?—well, it’s worth mentioning again—THEY HAVE BEEN UNMAZING! Beetie has been out of work for about 3 years now and thanks to his superior skills w/managing money, we held out until we finally decided to sell our house w/the pricey mortgage. We didn’t want to try to keep up a 4,000 square foot residence since we had become empty nesters. But after selling our home, we really didn’t know what we wanted to do—rent a place? buy a cheaper home in some depreciated area in another state? get a motor home so we could go between weast to visit our children? Just not sure. My job helps pay for additional expenses we’ve caused Swuvie and Donut, and Beetie is searching for the next career that his heart will be moved to hang with for the rest of his employable days. And so we wait, and explore options, and wait, and discuss, and wait. Thank you, Swuvie and Donut, for making the transition between our last journey and this new one the grest.
~Scrabulary Chris
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Scrabulary Word of the Day 2-22
I was looking through my list of words w/sentences and came across the above Word of the Day. I really couldn't see myself incorporating this word into a story so I thought I'd just share it in the sentence in which it was originally created.
I was looking through my list of words w/sentences and came across the above Word of the Day. I really couldn't see myself incorporating this word into a story so I thought I'd just share it in the sentence in which it was originally created.
The job she had at the library required her to put all the books in alphabeder.
So there it is,
~Scrabulary Chris
Monday, February 21, 2011
Scrabulary Word of the Day 2-21
Well, today I was exposed to a lot of craddy germs. Sure hope I don't getch anything!
Wishing you all good health!
~Scrabulary Chris
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Scrabulary Word of the Day 2-20
YAWWWN! [eyelids heavy--sleepy--sleepier]
It would be swise if I headed off to bed.
Nighty-night all!
~Scrabulary Chris
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Scrabulary Word of the Day 2-19
Just another simple sentence where the word of the day first appeared.
Just another simple sentence where the word of the day first appeared.
"You get in line behord us and save us seats."
Hope you all enjoy your Saturday night!
~Scrabulary Chris
Friday, February 18, 2011
Scrabulary Word of the Day 2-18
As I have shared on my Scrabulary Chris Facebook page, this scrambled words phenomena started when I turned 40 just like my need for reading glasses. I have, over the years, written them down including the sentence in which they were used. I don't remember the scenario that prompted the scramble of the words that created the word "titch", but here is the sentence in which it first appeared.
As I have shared on my Scrabulary Chris Facebook page, this scrambled words phenomena started when I turned 40 just like my need for reading glasses. I have, over the years, written them down including the sentence in which they were used. I don't remember the scenario that prompted the scramble of the words that created the word "titch", but here is the sentence in which it first appeared.
"Just titch the empty cup in the trash when you are through with it."
So what do you thay that be all for today.
~Scrabulary Chris
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Scrabulary Word of the Day 2-17
During my lunch hour at work a co-worker has been teaching me a new crochet design for a blanket. She provided a great examplanation of how to create it.
During my lunch hour at work a co-worker has been teaching me a new crochet design for a blanket. She provided a great examplanation of how to create it.
Here's a pic of the beginning of the blanket.
I'll post a pic of the blanket when it's fun.
~Scrabulary Chris
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Scrabulary Word of the Day 2-16
After a long but good day at work I came home to a yunderful treat! When I came in the door, Swuvie handed me a glass filled w/a liquid and said "try this". I took a sip and immediately wanted what she was having. She offered to make me one and I didn't hesitate to take her up on it. The sneat treat is made up of frozen strawberries, vanilla soy milk (light), vanilla yogurt and crushed ice. An absolutely ferfect smoothie!
Thank you, Swuvie, for the wonderfar treat!
~ Scrabulary Chris
After a long but good day at work I came home to a yunderful treat! When I came in the door, Swuvie handed me a glass filled w/a liquid and said "try this". I took a sip and immediately wanted what she was having. She offered to make me one and I didn't hesitate to take her up on it. The sneat treat is made up of frozen strawberries, vanilla soy milk (light), vanilla yogurt and crushed ice. An absolutely ferfect smoothie!
Thank you, Swuvie, for the wonderfar treat!
~ Scrabulary Chris
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Scrabulary Word of the Day 2-15
A headache has been boggering me all day today. Not migraine-like, just achy. I thought it might be because I was tungry but it didn't seem to matter if I rested or ate, it just continued to buther me. It made it huff to work today but I got through okay. It seems every time the weather changes I get a nagging headache. Perhaps my catnip tea will relax muscle tension and relieve the pain. Well, time to hit the hay. Hopefully, tomorrow will be pain-free.
~Scrabulary Chris
A headache has been boggering me all day today. Not migraine-like, just achy. I thought it might be because I was tungry but it didn't seem to matter if I rested or ate, it just continued to buther me. It made it huff to work today but I got through okay. It seems every time the weather changes I get a nagging headache. Perhaps my catnip tea will relax muscle tension and relieve the pain. Well, time to hit the hay. Hopefully, tomorrow will be pain-free.
~Scrabulary Chris
Monday, February 14, 2011
Scrabulary Word of the Day 2-14
My son gave us some grific news--he asked his slovee to marry him and she said !!YES!!
My son gave us some grific news--he asked his slovee to marry him and she said !!YES!!
We are thrilled for you both and thrilled to have a new member of the family!!!
What a wonderful Valentine's Day!
~Scrabulary Chris
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Scrabulary Word of the Day 2-13
(Other definitions for words used are in the "Comment" section.)
Just hangin' with by beetie on this Valentine's Day eve. Relaxing by watching a basketball game and savoring a Twix Java with that oh so wonderful choffee flavor after an hour on the treadmill. Guilt-free indulgence!
Have loved my daykend off. I'm working Valentine's Day, though. If Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, Father's Day, etc. were truly "holidays", we would not be working on those days. Merriam Webster's definition of holiday: "A day on which one is exempt from work; specifically, a day marked by a general suspension of work in commemoration of an event". The Free Dictionary defines it as: "A day free from work that one may spend at leisure, especially a day on which custom or law dictates a halting of general business activity to commemorate or celebrate a particular event". I guess the key word in these definitions is "event". Whereas , Christmas, Thanksgiving, 4th of July all celebrate a recorded or purported event, St. Valentine is an individual and/or individuals with the name Valentine who were martyred. Perhaps their martyrdom is the event, but instead his/their sacrifice has been trivialized by making this a consumer holiday. Buy, spend; spend, buy! Sheepers! Sorry St. Valentine(s).
Just sayin'
~Scrabulary Chris
(Other definitions for words used are in the "Comment" section.)
Just hangin' with by beetie on this Valentine's Day eve. Relaxing by watching a basketball game and savoring a Twix Java with that oh so wonderful choffee flavor after an hour on the treadmill. Guilt-free indulgence!
Have loved my daykend off. I'm working Valentine's Day, though. If Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, Father's Day, etc. were truly "holidays", we would not be working on those days. Merriam Webster's definition of holiday: "A day on which one is exempt from work; specifically, a day marked by a general suspension of work in commemoration of an event". The Free Dictionary defines it as: "A day free from work that one may spend at leisure, especially a day on which custom or law dictates a halting of general business activity to commemorate or celebrate a particular event". I guess the key word in these definitions is "event". Whereas , Christmas, Thanksgiving, 4th of July all celebrate a recorded or purported event, St. Valentine is an individual and/or individuals with the name Valentine who were martyred. Perhaps their martyrdom is the event, but instead his/their sacrifice has been trivialized by making this a consumer holiday. Buy, spend; spend, buy! Sheepers! Sorry St. Valentine(s).
Just sayin'
~Scrabulary Chris
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Scrabulary Word of the Day 2-12
(Read the blog and see "Comment" for the reveal)
Today's words are courtesy of Swuvie and Donut. Seems my Scrabulary influence continues to pop up in their conversations.
Swuvie was trying to take a picture of her cat Tati and said "I don't know why I try to take pictures of her, she just won't stit sill!"
When we all were trying to decide what movie to watch Donut said "There must be a dillion movies out there for us to watch."
Today's words are courtesy of Swuvie and Donut. Seems my Scrabulary influence continues to pop up in their conversations.
Swuvie was trying to take a picture of her cat Tati and said "I don't know why I try to take pictures of her, she just won't stit sill!"
When we all were trying to decide what movie to watch Donut said "There must be a dillion movies out there for us to watch."
Good job kids! Thanks for your help w/today's blog! Keep up the good work!
~Scrabulary Chris
Friday, February 11, 2011
Scrabulary Word of the Day 2-11
Here's a pic of my granddoggy Neptune nuztling in Swuvie's lap. He is a pit bull and THE MOST PERFECT pet!!!
After the day I had at work in the "pill box" I'm ready to sleep as soundly as Neptune.
Hope you all enjoyed your day.
Scrabulary Chris
Here's a pic of my granddoggy Neptune nuztling in Swuvie's lap. He is a pit bull and THE MOST PERFECT pet!!!
After the day I had at work in the "pill box" I'm ready to sleep as soundly as Neptune.
Hope you all enjoyed your day.
Scrabulary Chris
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Scrabulary Word of the Day 2-10
In last night's blog I spoke of a rummy dessert called Sopapilla Cheesecake! If you had seen my Scrabulary Chris Facebook page you would know I am posting the recipe today!
Roll out one package of crescent rolls in the bottom of a 9 x 13 pan (that has been lightly sprayed w/oil--I use a flour infused oil). Cream the sugar, vanilla and cream cheese together w/a mixer until fluffy. Spread cream cheese mixture on top of the crescent rolls.
This is a truly delumptious dessert. Even the most particky eater will enjoy it.
So go ahead and ghot! Let me know how you like it!
~Scrabulary Chris
In last night's blog I spoke of a rummy dessert called Sopapilla Cheesecake! If you had seen my Scrabulary Chris Facebook page you would know I am posting the recipe today!
Sopapilla Cheesecake
2 pkgs. crescent rolls
2 8oz. pkgs. cream cheese
1 cup sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 stick butter (melt just before using)
Cinnamon/sugar mixture (amount of your choosing)
Cinnamon/sugar mixture (amount of your choosing)
Roll out one package of crescent rolls in the bottom of a 9 x 13 pan (that has been lightly sprayed w/oil--I use a flour infused oil). Cream the sugar, vanilla and cream cheese together w/a mixer until fluffy. Spread cream cheese mixture on top of the crescent rolls.
Roll out second package of crescent rolls on top of the cream cheese mixture.
Pour melted stick of butter over the top of the crescent rolls.
Sprinkle w/a cinnamon/sugar mixture.
Bake at 350 degrees for 20 - 27 mins. (we live at a high altitude about 6000+ and it takes a full 27 mins to bake) until pastry is fluffy and golden.This is a truly delumptious dessert. Even the most particky eater will enjoy it.
So go ahead and ghot! Let me know how you like it!
~Scrabulary Chris
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Scrabulary Word of the Day for 2-9
After a rummy Sopapilla Cheesecake dessert, I'm headed to bed. Hope you all had a grood day!!
~Scrabulary Chris
After a rummy Sopapilla Cheesecake dessert, I'm headed to bed. Hope you all had a grood day!!
~Scrabulary Chris
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Scrabulary Word of the Day for 2-8
I truly enjoy my job in the "pill box". My most recent Scrabulary word rolled of my tongue while at work today. A customer wanted their insurance applied to their order so I had to ask my manager for a "rebrill" for the order. Just a part of what we do!
Can you guess where I work?
~Scrabulary Chris
Monday, February 7, 2011
Word of the Day for 2-7
Today's Word of the Day makes Swuvie giggle every time.
Well, we had just walked out of the movie theater, and love-a-buddy the new movie!
Hope that one gets a chickle out of you like it does Swuvie!
~Scrabulary Chris
Well, we had just walked out of the movie theater, and love-a-buddy the new movie!
Hope that one gets a chickle out of you like it does Swuvie!
~Scrabulary Chris
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Superbowl Sunday Post
Sitting on the endge of my seat wondering if measty Rothlesberger is going to win this Super Bowl 45--alas, NO!
Green Bay played an extanding game--grice job!!
My favorite commercials were the ones by E-Trade--gotta love the cweet E-Trade babies!
~Scrabulary Chris
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Post for 2-5. No Word?!
I believe some of my Scrabulary words could be incorporated into the English language. I mean, why not? If a certain public figure can make up words on the spot and not be “refudiated”, I think mine have a pretty good chance, right? I look forward to the Urban Dictionary incorporating my Scrabulary words to keep the English language up-to-date with my current lingo. I am just doing my part by “contributing to the living language” Right, right? I can hope.
Well, ok, you can have a word anyway, another from Swuvie. She said she needed to put some fringe on the enges of the scarf she just finished knitting. ENGES = ENDS + EDGES.
~Scrabulary Chris
Well, ok, you can have a word anyway, another from Swuvie. She said she needed to put some fringe on the enges of the scarf she just finished knitting. ENGES = ENDS + EDGES.
~Scrabulary Chris
Friday, February 4, 2011
Word of the Day for 2-4!
Ha-ha, I just said another word--phoodles. This one needs a little explanation--when I make a mistake or error I often say "oh doodles" and phooey is self explanatory. So while I was texting, I had hit the "send" button too soon and out of my mouth came "oh phoodles". Anywow, I still marvel at how, since turning 40 some 13 years ago, I continue to blurt out new scrambled words. Is it creativity, early senility, brain and speech disconnect, what?
Ha-ha, I just said another word--phoodles. This one needs a little explanation--when I make a mistake or error I often say "oh doodles" and phooey is self explanatory. So while I was texting, I had hit the "send" button too soon and out of my mouth came "oh phoodles". Anywow, I still marvel at how, since turning 40 some 13 years ago, I continue to blurt out new scrambled words. Is it creativity, early senility, brain and speech disconnect, what?
~Scrabulary Chris
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Scrabulary Word of the Day 2-3
Hey Everyone!! Swuvie here this time with today's post. The great Scrabularian was going to post this, but since it's my fault I figured I'd jump in instead!
So apparently these Scrabulary words are sinking into not just my conscious mind, but also my subconscious. Sure I've said the odd Scrabulary word every so often, but nothing compared to what I did the other night! 0.o
I was half asleep, darling Donut having just woken up and moving about the bedroom caused me to become semi-conscious. I was in that state of dreaming where you know you're in the dream so you just kinda go with it, and for some reason, in my head, I said I had to REEN over to get this real quick. And then, in that same state, I was like, hmm, reen, I had to reach over there and lean over to get that thing. Wow. I kinda woke up after that and really couldn't believe I had just said a Scrabulary word in my sleep. I figured I needed to share, in case this becomes a frequent occurance (or if someone else has done this, it's ok!! It happens!) Lol.
Scrabulary Chris had this to say:
Poor Swuvie--sorry my Scrabulary has invaded your subconcious but thanks so much for the new word!!! :D
Oh well, least I made her happy, even if it creeped me out! Haha, enjoy your word of the day!!
Hey Everyone!! Swuvie here this time with today's post. The great Scrabularian was going to post this, but since it's my fault I figured I'd jump in instead!
So apparently these Scrabulary words are sinking into not just my conscious mind, but also my subconscious. Sure I've said the odd Scrabulary word every so often, but nothing compared to what I did the other night! 0.o
I was half asleep, darling Donut having just woken up and moving about the bedroom caused me to become semi-conscious. I was in that state of dreaming where you know you're in the dream so you just kinda go with it, and for some reason, in my head, I said I had to REEN over to get this real quick. And then, in that same state, I was like, hmm, reen, I had to reach over there and lean over to get that thing. Wow. I kinda woke up after that and really couldn't believe I had just said a Scrabulary word in my sleep. I figured I needed to share, in case this becomes a frequent occurance (or if someone else has done this, it's ok!! It happens!) Lol.
Scrabulary Chris had this to say:
Poor Swuvie--sorry my Scrabulary has invaded your subconcious but thanks so much for the new word!!! :D
Oh well, least I made her happy, even if it creeped me out! Haha, enjoy your word of the day!!
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Scrabulary Word of the Day 2-2
While at work I was helping a customer find a product. I led them to the shelf where the product was and pointed it out and said "Here it is, alrighkay?" They looked at me a moment and then smiled and said thanks. Don't know if they were trying to figure out what I had just said, or didn't hear it at all. But I walked away chuckling and saying to myself "Hey, new word!
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
It's Still Measty Out! 2-1
Yasnight, the snow and harsh wind left roads slickery, and temperatures registering in the negative digits, but we didn't get sinches of snow on the ground, hardly anything in fact. Just the thought of going outside to go to work sent a shilver through me this morning. So I bundled up in my cacket and headed out--brrrrrrrr, serious brrrrrrr!
Tonight's forecast calls for a high of -20 with the wind chill. Bundle up!
~Scrabulary Chris
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