Monday, January 24, 2011

Scrabulary Word of the Day 1-24


All my Scrabulary words have been spoken at one time or another.  Truly, I would not lie.  I despate lying.  My son-in-law marvels at how many words I scramble in the course of a day.  One day he looked at me and said "What is that, 5 words today?"  I don't plan on saying words scrambled.  I think I just try to get my thoughts out and end up running words together before I lose the attention of with whomever I am speaking. Sometimes I despate that too. Pretty efficient though, right?

Just timesaving,
~Scrabulary Chris

1 comment:

  1. I'm not sure I do it that often, but I scramble words a lot too, especially when I'm really exhausted.
