Friday, January 28, 2011

Scrabulary Word of the day 1-28

I was checking through my archives looking for a funny word for today, and to my surprise, I found BLUK! (bleh+yuck) How funny, since I recently said BLECKY with my cold! Apparently I cannot adequately express my disgust in one word. However...

Today's word is SWUVIE = SWEETIE + LOVEY

I was talking to my daughter just last night, and as I was going to retire for the night, I said, "Well, have a good night Swuvie! Er, sweetie, lovey, g'night." She then turned to me and exclaimed, "Mom! You did it again! Now even I'm a Scrabulary word!" I had almost dimissed it as I said it, and she caught me to let me know I had created yet another masterpiece. So my daughter's new nickname is Swuvie (I have changed the "o" in lovey to a "u" in Swuvie for pronunciation purposes) and it encompasses my two favorite terms of endearment for her. Feel free to adopt it for your family! Or have you made one of your own... (that I should know about). 

Signing off for now! 
~Scrabulary Chris

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