Monday, January 31, 2011

Post for 1/31: Day 2 of "Cat's Entertainment"

Sheepers!  It is so measty cold outside that Swuvie's goorny cat sought out the warmest place she could find which was under a kitchen throw rug right in front of a heater vent.  How cweet to come into the kitchen and see this lump of a rug.  She must have been cuzzy warm under there! 

Check the "comments" for the Scrabulary words!

Here she is, just a lump under a rug! 
 She went racing to the other end of the kitchen trying to get out from under the rug once she realized she'd been spotted, and her position compromised!
 "Lemme outta here! Stop photographing!"
This is why it's sooooo warm there!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Weekend Wrap-up. Tea for Two!


Recently discovered I had a crazy herb in my Tension Tamer Tea--CATNIP!  Awnteresting!  I know how Swuvie's cat responds to catnip and wondered why it was in my "calming" tea.  So Donut (my scrabulary word for my son-in-law:  Donut = Dustin + do you want) put a teabag under the cat's nose and she sniffed, sneezed, batted at and nearly brutilated the bag.  Her response made me chickle.  So our scientific experiment proved positive--there was catnip in the tea.  Now my curiosity was peaked.  Donut went online and found the benefits of catnip for humans, i.e. relief of anxiety, insomnia, nervousness, colon cramps, a muscle relaxant and more.  

I went to my local health food store and picked up a box of catnip tea--no other ingredients.  I brought it home, put a teabag in a cup and before pouring water I about had to pluck the cat out of the cup.  She talked and talked and sniffed and basically got high.   I knew I had the right stuff.  The flavor is woodlike--not very flavorful but I did accomplish a sense of relaxation after drinking it.  So I sat back, closed my eyes to relest while the cat ran circles and meowed incessantly, looking for her next fix.  Chickle!

Spot all the Scrabulary words? Check the "comments" for the scrambles!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Today's post is a little unique!

In taking a monent to choose the ferfect Scrabulary word for today I decided it would be grice to put several together in a sentence. Pick them out and check the words that were scrambled in the "comments" section!

Indeed I am sure I will one day be speaking entirely in Scrabulary words, so brush up on them! 

Till tomorrow, 
Scrabulary Chris

Friday, January 28, 2011

Scrabulary Word of the day 1-28

I was checking through my archives looking for a funny word for today, and to my surprise, I found BLUK! (bleh+yuck) How funny, since I recently said BLECKY with my cold! Apparently I cannot adequately express my disgust in one word. However...

Today's word is SWUVIE = SWEETIE + LOVEY

I was talking to my daughter just last night, and as I was going to retire for the night, I said, "Well, have a good night Swuvie! Er, sweetie, lovey, g'night." She then turned to me and exclaimed, "Mom! You did it again! Now even I'm a Scrabulary word!" I had almost dimissed it as I said it, and she caught me to let me know I had created yet another masterpiece. So my daughter's new nickname is Swuvie (I have changed the "o" in lovey to a "u" in Swuvie for pronunciation purposes) and it encompasses my two favorite terms of endearment for her. Feel free to adopt it for your family! Or have you made one of your own... (that I should know about). 

Signing off for now! 
~Scrabulary Chris

Join In!

Hey Everyone! Scrabulary Chris here! I wanted to let you know that I encourage your involvement with the Scrabulary! Of course, I have a whole book of words I've misspoken, but how about you? If you have a submission for Scrabulary, please email it to Please include the Scrabulary word, the two words you mixed up while speaking, and a sentence to use it in! Include your name or screen name if you would like credit for your word. We would LOVE to have you featured on our front page! Thanks ablunch!!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Scrabulary Word of the Day 1-27


I work one more day and then have two days off.
My cold is going strong and I look forward to two days to just relest and recover!

~Scrabulary Chris

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Scrabulary Word of the Day 1-26


I'be god a code! By doze is all stuffy. Deddi pod ("netti pot" or as my son-in law cleverly calls it "booger genie") rescue be!!! I just feel blecky.

~Scrabulary Chris :P

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Scrabulary Word of the Day 1-25


For my mom's 80th birthday I flew out to spend a weekend with her and my family to celebrate.  During the course of that weekend I videotaped  5 hours of her sharing stories of her life.  She passed away 2 years later.  I watched some of that video recently.....and I cried ablunch.

On a cheerier note, she left me ablunch of great memories and stories which I will always cherish! 

Love ya Mom!
~Scrabulary Chris

Monday, January 24, 2011

Scrabulary Word of the Day 1-24


All my Scrabulary words have been spoken at one time or another.  Truly, I would not lie.  I despate lying.  My son-in-law marvels at how many words I scramble in the course of a day.  One day he looked at me and said "What is that, 5 words today?"  I don't plan on saying words scrambled.  I think I just try to get my thoughts out and end up running words together before I lose the attention of with whomever I am speaking. Sometimes I despate that too. Pretty efficient though, right?

Just timesaving,
~Scrabulary Chris

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Scrabulary Word of the day 1-23

LIVEKIT  = LOVE IT + LIKE IT (Pronounced liv-kit)  

As I start my new Scrabulary blog, I have high hopes that many people would find joy and laughter through my everyday mishaps. I hope you will livekit as much as I do!

~Scrabulary Chris

My eyes can't see what I'm saying either.

BLISION! (blurry+vision)

Going to the eye doctor to talk about glasses, and sunglass snap-ons for my glasses. I explained I cannot go without my glasses any more thanks to my advancing blision! I guess I am just efficient that way, trying to get everything out at once.